

Learn about four policy issues affecting agriculture and how 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 and the cooperative system are advocating for farmers.


这是忙碌的一年 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站政府事务 as we continue to navigate the changes that stem from one party taking control of the House of Representatives, 参议院和白宫. 

This year is especially dynamic due to Democrats holding slim majorities in both the 参众两院. 再加上两极分化的环境,这导致了一个混乱的立法过程. The regulatory changes that come with the White House changing political hands has added to the turbulence as the Biden administration rewrites rules adopted during the Trump years. 

Regardless of the challenges, numerous issues in play are important to 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 and its farmer-owners. Here’s an update on some of those issues and how 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 is positioning itself to take advantage of the opportunities in Washington to support cooperatives and agriculture. 


With the Biden administration and Congress continuing to focus most policy decisions on climate change, the goal to minimize and eventually eliminate greenhouse gas emissions is front and center in the nation’s capital and we expect it to likely stay there for the foreseeable future. 

Due to its varied energy interests, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 has an important role to play in contributing to that debate. One place where 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 has been particularly vocal is in the negotiations surrounding a potential infrastructure package. 今年早些时候,美国政府提出的税率为2美元左右.3万亿美元用于道路等传统基础设施项目, 桥梁, 内河航道和宽带. 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 was somewhat dismayed to see that none of those funds were earmarked for biofuels or biofuel producers. 

Since ethanol is a proven way to significantly lower carbon emissions from the transportation sector, 政府推广其使用似乎是合乎逻辑的. 在与联合国成员和工作人员多次交谈后.S. 参众两院, the 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 team was delighted to find that others agreed with our view and pledged to help ensure biofuels were included in any infrastructure package that makes its way through Congress. 

截至8月中旬, 该法案中没有直接向乙醇或生物燃料提供资金的措辞, 但买球比较靠谱的网站希望有一些修改将被接受. 其中包括为乙醇混合泵提供资金, a permanent Reid vapor pressure waiver and a tax credit for sale or blending of certain fuels containing ethanol. 如果参议院在法案中不包括乙醇或生物燃料的资金, 众议院可以在审议立法时增加这些条款. 



Smart climate practices continue to be a focus in the 参众两院 农业 committees. 今年夏天早些时候,参议院通过了 日益增长的气候解决方案法案 以92票对8票的压倒性票数通过. 该法案, 哪个是推荐几个靠谱的买球网站支持的, 是由参议院农业委员会主席Debbie Stabenow(密歇根州民主党)介绍的.)和印第安纳州共和党参议员迈克·布劳恩(Mike Braun).). It would instruct USDA to set up a greenhouse gas technical assistance provider and third-party verifier certification program to help farmers, 牧场主和林农参与碳信用交易市场. 

The program would provide a USDA stamp of approval for qualified providers of technical assistance and verifiers that help landowners adopt voluntary practices that allow them to earn carbon credits, 哪些可以在碳市场上出售. The bill also would direct USDA to establish an advisory council to assist with program implementation and recommend best practices. At least half of the council’s members would need to be farmers, ranchers or private forest owners. 

A companion bill has been introduced in the House by Representatives Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.)和唐·培根(内布拉斯加州共和党人).), but so far there has been no movement on the legislation by the House 农业 Committee Chair David Scott (D-Ga.). 斯科特对该法案何时以及如何在众议院通过保持沉默. 他需要想办法获得更进步的民主党人的支持, 谁可能希望看到该法案在应对气候变化方面做得更多. It is also possible the House could end up simply passing the Senate’s language in a year-end omnibus package or similar vehicle. 



买球比较靠谱的网站花了大量时间研究的一个重要政策领域是 可再生燃料标准 (RFS) -特别是推荐几个靠谱的买球网站如何遵守法律. 

The primary way refiners demonstrate compliance with the RFS is by accumulating and retiring renewable identification numbers (RINs). RINs show the federal government that an obligated party has either blended enough fuel to meet its obligation or has purchased enough RINs to cover the difference between what they were able to blend and what was mandated by the government. RINs每天都有交易,价格根据供需情况波动. 

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, RINs traditionally traded somewhere in the range of $0.10 to $0.对于推荐几个靠谱的买球网站炼油厂来说,这是一笔可观但可控的费用. 如今,RINs的交易价格在1美元左右.70美元,最近触及历史新高,超过2美元.00. As a company that operates refineries to serve our owners’ gasoline and diesel demands, 买球比较靠谱的网站认为RINs是买球比较靠谱的网站生产成本的一部分, 以今天的价值观, 在满足业主的买球比较靠谱的网站需求方面,循环买球比较靠谱的网站系统已成为一项较大的开支. 

不幸的是, 由于RIN系统的复杂性, 没有快速的解决方案来帮助减轻RINs膨胀的成本, 但买球比较靠谱的网站正在尽一切努力就这一主题对政策制定者进行教育, 这凸显了禁油令给全国炼油商带来的财务压力. 


Another issue we have been advocating for during infrastructure talks is funding to build out broadband connections in rural America. 虽然这一需求从一开始就得到了广泛的两党支持, 华盛顿的一切都不会结束,直到一切结束. 


  • improve the nation’s broadband internet mapping data to better understand the challenges faced and 
  • eliminate the digital divide by sending resources where they will most effectively bridge the broadband gap.  

The latest proposals seem to indicate broadband could receive about $65 billion in funding, but details are murky on how much of that would go to building access in rural areas of the country. 


请查看完整的 2021年夏季刊 C 杂志 随着这篇文章和更多.


The 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站政府事务 team will continue to advocate for agriculture and cooperatives on these and other critical issues as we raise our voices on behalf of our owners.  

宣传 2024年4月2日

Dan Mauer是华盛顿特区推荐几个靠谱的买球网站政府事务小组的成员.C., provides insights on 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 advocacy efforts supporting year-round 15 sales and potential benefits.

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A new inventory app helps 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 efficiently provide needed crop protection products to cooperatives and farms.

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